Wednesday 20 June 2012


Hi there,

Thanks for dropping in, I've moved my Blog to 

Please come over and say G'day. I'm sorry I couldn't keep up with two...I have this account so I can follow, subscribe to and comment on your blog

Kind regards,

Donna G

Monday 4 June 2012

Money Monday: Soap

Money Monday, saving money one Monday at time...

Lately our soaps have been going from this to this, at lightning speed; Too fast!

It got me to thinking...

What's going on here, once our soaps would last for ages and ages now we're lucky if one stays with us for 2 wks???

A couple of days later, I remembered a lesson learned, a life time ago from a lovely lady, one of those special other Mother’s we all have. I think of her often, she was very special... 

Ah, stay on topic girl: I remembered that lovely lady had soap everywhere: drawers, wardrobes, and laundry, kitchen and linen cupboards, broom cupboard, under mattresses and of course the bathroom. One day it got the better of me and I just had to ask. The answer was so good I should never have forgotten! Purchase soap 2-3 yrs. ahead so it has plenty of time to harden then it will last longer. And it really did! So then, soap was something I never ran out of, until lately, 'GFC' hit our home too. Food prices going up and up along with everything.

Well this week I got back on track, I bought a truckload of soap, well to be honest a trolley-load, okay, okay several boxes; To give my stash a boost I filled both racks in the oven with new soap, turned the oven onto the lowest setting and left them sitting there for a good while, (like 2 hrs). I turned the oven off and left them there some more. Well 'til the next day actually, because I forgot them! 
(Please be careful with the oven, & be sure the oven is off).

So there you have it, go get a soap stash.

Clever Blonde, Donna G